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Back to School for Duck Hunters

Apr 19, 2017 - Whether it’s hunting or any other skills-based endeavor, even the most seasoned veterans can benefit from a “back to basics” approach. 

As we lag through the offseason and dream about canopies of ducks, here’s some good advice from Ducks Unlimited that could help make this coming season a successful one. 

DU says a shooting school could help waterfowlers improve their shooting skills far faster than the trial-and-error method employed by most hunters over the course of their hunting lives.

More from DU’s Aaron Fraser Pass:

While shooting under expert eyes, I relearned some old and established shotgunning concepts from new perspectives. I found that I had developed some bad shooting habits by trying to compensate for eroded shooting skills due both to lack of practice and the slowing reflexes of age. My own particular sin was trying to use a fast swing to make up for sloppy gun mount and poor target perception and acquisition. 

Aaron says it’s usually flawed fundamentals that haunt even seasoned shooters and hunters. He believes relearning established techniques from new perspectives, and in his case, new sets of eyes, can help.

“I found that I had developed some bad shooting habits by trying to compensate for eroded shooting skills due both to lack of practice and the slowing reflexes of age,” he said. “My own particular sin was trying to use a fast swing to make up for sloppy gun mount and poor target perception and acquisition.”

For the record, his first shot after receiving some pointers from Vicki Ash of OSP Shooting School was a hit. 

So, remember: We’re never too old – or too experienced – to learn some new tricks. Read Aaron’s full post here.

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